Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I am a Tomato

I am a cute tomato,
I am red and green for most of my life!
I am a poor man’s apple,
Cheering the common man all the time!
I can be grown organic or,
Bio-tech and genetic, choice is yours!
I am a swinging cash crop,
With supply and demand strings!
Out in the nature looking at the sky,
Rocking and rolling all the time,
Ready to stay quite in your freezer,
For some more time!
In between the bread slices ‘jam’ me soft,
Not to create a jam in your mouth.
If you are cold and freezing,
Make me a soup to feel the heat!
If your tongue is soar,
And taste gone for a toss,
Ketch me up or make me a sauce!
Boosting your health,
I am packed with anti-oxidants and
Can lower cholesterol levels!
I am a delicious tomato,
The curry way or fry way,
Sliding on highway into your stomach!